Tag: Nusantara Satu

SpaceX Launches 2nd Batch of Starlink Broadband Sats with 1st Quadruply Launched Booster and 1st Reflown Fairings on Veterans Day: Photos

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL – The second batch of 60 SpaceX Starlink broadband satellites blasted off today on a beautiful Veterans Day Monday morning, Nov. 11 atop the first ever quadruply launched Falcon 9 first stage booster and first ever re-flown payload fairings encapsulating the next generation payload stack – thereby marking multiple truly historic milestones in spaceflight

SpaceX Falcon 9 Goes Vertical at Sunset & Moonrise for Veterans Day Starlink Launch Nov 11 with Reused Booster and Fairings: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL- The SpaceX Falcon 9 went vertical at sunset and moonrise Sunday evening on the Florida Space Coast, Nov 10 in anticipation of the Veteran’s Day Monday, Nov. 11 launch of the next batch of 60 Starlink broadband satellites under very special ‘flight-proven’ circumstances – wherein it’s the first time the recovered first stage launches