Tag: Atlas V

Beautiful ULA Atlas V Blastoff Delivers Experimental Missile Warning Satellite to Orbit for U.S. Space Force: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – Following a scrub for multiple significant lightning strikes and stormy weather too close to the launch pad on Thursday June 30, and another over hour-long weather delay Friday, July 1, the venerable ULA Atlas V rocket launched magnificently at last carrying the new $1.1 Billion United States Space Force

ULA Atlas V Carrying Experimental Missile Warning Satellite to Orbit for U.S. Space Force Targets July 1 Launch: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL –  The U.S. Space Force will launch a new $1.1 Billion experimental missile warning and detection satellite on the venerable United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket on July 1 which is outfitted with an advanced new infrared sensor payload serving as a pathfinder for further future upgrades critical for

Starliner Lands in New Mexico Concluding Incredibly Successful OFT-2 Uncrewed Test Flight to Space Station for NASA

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL –  Boeing’s Starliner crew capsule landed in the New Mexico desert, Wednesday evening, May 19, concluding an ‘incredibly successful’ uncrewed test flight for NASA to the International Space Station (ISS) and back – paving the way to    the first crewed flight with NASA astronauts aboard as soon as

Boeing Starliner Poised Prelaunch atop ULA Atlas V at Pad 41 on OFT-2 Test Flight for NASA to ISS: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – Here’s a look back to Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner crew capsule integrated atop a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket prelaunch at launch pad 41 on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, Wednesday, May 18, prior to the high stakes and ultimately successful May 19 liftoff

Boeing Starliner Crew Capsule Docks at Space Station First Time on Uncrewed Test Flight for NASA

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL –  Barely 24 hours after a stunning liftoff on a ULA Atlas V Thursday evening May 19, Boeing’s Starliner crew spacecraft successful docked at the International Space Station for the first time ever Friday evening May 20 – on a long delayed and high stakes uncrewed Orbital Flight

Boeing Starliner Stunning Blast Off on Long Delayed Critical Uncrewed Test Flight for NASA to Space Station: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner human rated crew capsule magnificently blasted off at last atop a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket, Wednesday evening, May 19,  on a long delayed and high stakes uncrewed test flight for NASA from launch pad 41 on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

Powerful NASA NOAA GOES-T Weather Observatory Launched on ULA Atlas V to Save Lives: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL –  Despite gusty ground winds America’s newest and most powerful weather observation satellite dubbed GOES-T blasted off Tuesday afternoon, March 1, into clear blue skies aboard a powerful United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket from Florida’s Space Coast and was successfully delivered to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO)

NASA NOAA Advanced GOES-T Weather Satellite Rolls to Pad 41 for March 1 Launch: Watch Live/Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL, FL –  America’s newest and most powerful weather observation satellite dubbed GOES-T and which is a joint collaboration between NASA and NOAA  rolled out to its launch pad atop a powerful United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket this morning, Monday, Feb. 28, and is targeting liftoff on Tuesday afternoon, March 1, from Florida’s

ULA ‘Big Slider’ Atlas V Rocket Delivers Twin Space Force ‘Neighborhood Watch’ Surveillance Satellites to Orbit: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL –  The unflown ‘Big Slider’ version of ULA’s Atlas V rocket made its maiden and lone launch and successfully delivered a twin pair of once-classified military tracking surveillance satellites that observe other already orbiting satellites akin to a ‘Neighborhood Watch’ to near-geosynchronous orbit    for the U.S. Space Force during a