Tag: Space Launch Complex-40

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches 22 More Starlinks to Orbit in Record Breaking Launch Pad Turnaround: Photos

TITUSVILLE, FL – A veteran SpaceX Falcon 9 launched the next batch of upgraded Starlink internet satellites to orbit Sunday evening, Aug. 6 on a southeasterly trajectory from Florida’s Space Coast. from Florida’s Space Coast. Furthermore SpaceX accomplished the feat in a record breaking pad turnaround launch time of less than 4 days for the first time Liftoff of the veteran

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Intelsat Galaxy 37 Comsat to Orbit from Space Coast: Photos

TITUSVILLE, FL – In the dead of night SpaceX launched a 6 times recycled Falcon 9 rocket from Florida’s Space Coast Thursday, Aug. 3 carrying a powerful 5 ton communications satellite destined for geosynchronous orbit for Luxembourg-based satellite operator Intelsat as part of a fleet refresh plan mandated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to free up transmission space for

SpaceX Launches NASA Hi-Res Air Quality Measuring Instrument on Commercial Intelsat Satellite: Photos

CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – Just past midnight a SpaceX Falcon 9 launched under beautiful weather conditions carrying a NASA instrument air quality monitoring and pollution measuring instrument hosted aboard the commercial Intelsat 40E satellite for broadband internet services for North America – on its way to geostationary orbit from Florida’s Spaceport. NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution

SpaceX Launches Next Batch of Starlink Internet Satellites from Space Coast: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY POINT PARK, TITUSVILLE, FL –  Despite hefty ground winds SpaceX launched another batch of Starlink broadband internet satellites on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, March 29, soaring southeastwards from the Space Coast into broken cloudy skies carrying another bundle of older generation Starlink broadband satellites to low Earth orbit. Large and excited crowds gathered along the

The Falcon and the Eagle: Beautiful SpaceX Starlink Launch Seen from Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER VISITOR COMPLEX, FL – As a majestic eagle flew by and for the first time ever we witnessed a rocket launch from the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC) – namely the SpaceX Starlink 5-5 mission launched at lunchtime Friday, Mar 24, soaring southeastwards from Cape Canaveral into virtually cloud free skies carrying

Spectacular Golden Sunset SpaceX liftoff of Twin SES Comsats Spawns ‘Space Jellyfish’: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – A spectacular golden sunset liftoff by a veteran SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket successfully hurled the twin commercial SES-18 and SES-19 TV and internet communications satellites to orbit for the Luxembourg-based telecommunication giant SES, Friday, March 17, from Florida’s ever busy Spaceport and spawned a beautiful ‘Space Jellyfish’ high in

Throngs Thrilled Friday Night by SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch of Inmarsat Mobile Comsat from Space Coast: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL – Huge throngs of thrilled spectators crowded around the Space Coast viewing areas Friday night, Feb. 17, to witness a beautiful SpaceX Falcon 9 liftoff of a six-ton global mobile communications relay from Florida’s Space Coast for Inmarsat – one of the worlds leading connectivity companies The Inmarsat 6 F2 (I6 F2) satellite was

Stellar Midnight SpaceX Launch Lofts 55 Starlinks to Orbit with Fastest Pad Turnaround: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL – Just past midnight, SpaceX lofted another 55 Starlink high speed broadband internet satellites to low Earth orbit while accomplishing the fastest turnaround between missions – five days and three hours – from the same pad! Namely complex 40 on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, and soaring away again on a southeasterly

Superb SpaceX Launch of Spanish Communications Satellite from Space Coast for Hispasat: Photos

CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – At last after weather and rocket checking delays SpaceX launched a Spanish communications satellite for Space-based Hispasat Monday evening, Feb. 6, from Florida’s Space Coast into crystal clear evening skies that made for superb viewing at it arc away and over on an easterly trajectory delighting spectators for several minutes. The massive 5