Space UpClose Founder/Editor Ken Kremer Completes Cancer Radiation Treatments

Space UpClose Founder/Editor Ken Kremer Completes Cancer Radiation Treatments
Ken Kremer, Founder & Managing Editor rings the bell signifying completion of his cancer radiation treatments in late Oct. 2023. Credit: Ken Kremer /

TITUSVILLE, FL – Here’s an update on my Prostate Cancer radiation treatments which have sidelined me for several months and explains why I haven’t been able to keep Space UpClose as current as I would wish. It still a long road of recovery ahead.

Please check my Facebook and Twitter pages which I am posting on regularly

Finally concluded my months long radiation treatments for prostate cancer. It’s tradition to ring the bell at the last beaming session. I rang it loudly and proudly and am so thankful to Cancer Care of Brevard – very very kind and caring Oncology Dr and nursing team!!! WE gave them bunches of roses!! & Jean’s home baked cookies as thanks to spread good vibes !!!

It’s been much rougher and tougher than I ever imagined and had to go the ER twice. Last few weeks the worst – compounded by the discovery of 3 kidney stone causing really bad abdominal pain . Thankfully- alternatives could have been far worse.

On Thursday Oct 26 I’m having lithotripsy surgury to blast the stones to bits. Thank you to my wonderful and loving Jean Wright for caring for me. I could not survive without her! And thank you all for well wishes too!!!

Ken Kremer, Founder & Managing Editor rings the bell with Jean Wright of Space UpClose signifying completion of his cancer radiation treatments in late Oct. 2023. Credit: Ken Kremer /

Ive been very fatigued & sleepy & hard to focus my mind – thus delayed posting this till now

It will take another 3 months until Feb 2024 to determine whether the radiation successfully killed the cancer. Im very optimistic!! My grandfather died of prostste cancer-so doing nothing was not an option

Im a retired cancer & pharmaceutical PhD research scientist (with >12 US Patents) & currently space reporter. Had to rest – and only do top priority space stuff !!

Believe in science & research & funding 100%!! Pay no heed to the clueless & dangerous science deniers – who will kill cures with senseless/immoral budget cuts!

For anyone facing significant medical issues: Be sure to be fully informed and ask alot of questions – to decide what is best for you based on the science. I say that as a scientist and journalist

I had to make many decisions – dont regret anything. people have asked me

Wearing my space shirt custom sewn by Jean Wright: NASA’s JWST Webb and Hubble Space Telescopes

Publication of new book about Jeans NASA career, last week, definately helped my spirits alot!!!

“SEW SISTER: The Untold Story of Jean Wright and NASA Seamstresses” – by Elise Matich

Im still exhausted and will certainly take some time to recover

Thank you all again!!

Ken Kremer

Founder/Managing Editor Space UpClose

Ken Kremer, Founder & Managing Editor rings the bell with Jean Wright of Space UpClose signifying completion of his cancer radiation treatments in late Oct. 2023. Credit: Ken Kremer /





Ken Kremer

Watch for Ken’s continuing onsite coverage of NASA, SpaceX, ULA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and more space and mission reports direct from Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida and Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Stay tuned here for Ken's continuing Earth and Planetary science and human spaceflight news. Dr. Kremer is a research scientist and journalist based in the KSC area, active in outreach and interviewed regularly on TV and radio about space topics. Ken’s photos are for sale and he is available for lectures and outreach events.

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