Tag: Aeon-1

Relativity Space Launches 1st 3D Printed Rocket to Space But Fails to Achieve Orbit: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM JETTY PARK/PORT CANAVERAL, FL –  The 3rd time was finally the charm and Relativity Space finally achieved their dreams and launched their Terran-1 rocket to space on the first ever flight of a 3D printed rocket, late Wednesday evening, Mar. 22, from Florida’s Spaceport as the first stage performed well and survived the withering aerodynamic stresses

Relativity Space Scrubs 1st Launch Attempt of 1st 3D Printed Rocket – Terran 1 Reset to March 11: Watch Live/Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM JETTY PARK/PORT CANAVERAL, FL – Relativity Space, a California-based New Space startup aborted the first launch attempt of their first 3D printed Terran 1 rocket Wednesday afternoon, March 8, about 1 minute before liftoff from Florida’s Space Coast – after a thermal control technical issue with Liquid Oxygen (LOX) propellant in the second stage could not