Tag: distant retrograde orbit

Orion Reaches Farthest Distance and Halfway Mark on Artemis 1 Mission Snaping Stunning Selfie with Earth and Moon

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –  NASA’s uncrewed Orion spacecraft reached the farthest distance from Earth it will travel during the groundbreaking Artemis 1 mission — while also reaching the halfway mark of the flight during Flight Day 13, on Monday, Nov. 28 of the 25.5 day long test flight. The spacecraft also captured stunning imagery of Earth and the

Orion Enters Distant Retrograde Orbit Around Moon with Critical Engine Burn

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –NASA’s Orion crew capsule entered its a distant retrograde orbit (DRO) trajectory around the Moon after completing a critical thruster firing on Friday afternoon, Nov. 25, of the main engine required for lunar orbit insertion on Flight Day 10 of the 25.5-day long Artemis 1 unpiloted test flight mission. Orion’s Orbital Maneuvering