Tag: Intelsat

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Intelsat Galaxy 37 Comsat to Orbit from Space Coast: Photos

TITUSVILLE, FL – In the dead of night SpaceX launched a 6 times recycled Falcon 9 rocket from Florida’s Space Coast Thursday, Aug. 3 carrying a powerful 5 ton communications satellite destined for geosynchronous orbit for Luxembourg-based satellite operator Intelsat as part of a fleet refresh plan mandated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to free up transmission space for

SpaceX Launches NASA Hi-Res Air Quality Measuring Instrument on Commercial Intelsat Satellite: Photos

CAPE CANAVERAL SPACE FORCE STATION, FL – Just past midnight a SpaceX Falcon 9 launched under beautiful weather conditions carrying a NASA instrument air quality monitoring and pollution measuring instrument hosted aboard the commercial Intelsat 40E satellite for broadband internet services for North America – on its way to geostationary orbit from Florida’s Spaceport. NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution

Stunning SpaceX Sunset and Moonrise launch Delivers Dual Intelsat TV Telecomsats to Orbit on 3rd Try: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM SPACE VIEW PARK, TITUSVILLE, FL – At last the third time was the charm for SpaceX for a stunning sunset and moonrise launch of a fleet leading Falcon 9 booster that delivered dual TV telecomsats for Intelsat to a geosynchronous transfer orbit Saturday evening. Oct. 8 from Florida’s Spaceport after a pair of technical scrubs the