Tag: LEO

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Record Breaking 15th Time on Starlink Mission: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM SPACE VIEW PARK/TITUSVILLE, FL – SpaceX successfully launched its fleet leading Falcon 9 for a record breaking 15th time Saturday afternoon, Dec. 17, carrying the next tranche of Starlink broadband internet satellites to orbit from Florida’s Space Coast into heavily overcast Sunshine State skies The heavy payload of 54 Starlink satellites on the 4-37 mission blasted

4x Flown SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink Booster Returns to Port Canaveral on Droneship from 1st Launch of 2022: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL/TITUSVILLE, FL – The now 4x flown to space and back SpaceX Falcon 9 1st stage recovered booster that launched over four dozen Starlink internet satellites to Low Earth orbit (LEO) last week on the 1st Space Coast liftoff of 2022, returned at last to Port Canaveral, Tuesday morning, Jan. 11, standing tall on the

Poor Weather and Technical Issues Cause Multiple Delays to SpaceX Starlink Double Header Launch Attempts-Reset to Feb 15: Watch Live/Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL –  Poor weather and technical issues have forced multiple delays to attempts by SpaceX to launch a double header of Starlink missions these past few weeks – in some cases just a day or two apart and once spaced just 5 hours apart in what would have been a record setting event not seen

SpaceX Launches New Batch Starlink Satellites Darting Through Clouds, 2nd This Week from Space Coast: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL, FL –   After a scrub for technical reasons resulting from the Falcon 9 rocket on Thursday, SpaceX at last launched the vehicle at lunchtime today, Saturday, Oct. 24 carrying another batch of 60 Starlink broadband internet satellite darting through thick clouds on its way to low Earth orbit (LEO) from the Florida Space Coast.

SpaceX Completes Static Fire Test for Next Starlink Launch Targeting April 23: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL – SpaceX engineers finally completed a successful lunchtime static fire test of the Falcon 9 first stage engines on Friday, April 17 for the upcoming seventh Starlink launch of  broadband internet satellites now targeting Thursday from the Florida Space Coast – amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has forced closures of public places, schools

SpaceX Completes Static Fire Test on Recycled Falcon 9 – Targets 3rd Starlink Liftoff Jan. 6 on 1st 2020 launch: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM TITUSVILLE, FL- Under gloomy Florida Space Coast skies and shortly before drenching showers rolled in SpaceX engineers completed a noontime static fire test of their recycled Falcon 9 rocket today Saturday, Jan. 4 on Cape Canaveral and are now targeting Monday evening Jan. 6 for launch of the third batch of 60 SpaceX built and owned

SpaceX Launches 2nd Batch of Starlink Broadband Sats with 1st Quadruply Launched Booster and 1st Reflown Fairings on Veterans Day: Photos

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL – The second batch of 60 SpaceX Starlink broadband satellites blasted off today on a beautiful Veterans Day Monday morning, Nov. 11 atop the first ever quadruply launched Falcon 9 first stage booster and first ever re-flown payload fairings encapsulating the next generation payload stack – thereby marking multiple truly historic milestones in spaceflight