Tag: NASA ESA SpaceX Crew-3

Normal Crew Operations Resume on Space Station Following Reckless Russian ASAT Test

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL, FL – The seven humans living aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have been allowed to resume normal operations once again, following the emergency shelter in place actions taken by the multinational crewmates to protect themselves from a hazardous debris cloud created in the stations orbital path following the reckless, unprovoked and very dangerous

Reckless Russian Anti-satellite Test Forces ISS Crew into Emergency Escape Capsules

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL, FL – The Russian military conducted an Anti-Satellite missile weapons test on Monday, Nov. 15, firing a ground based missile that intercepted and destroyed an old Soviet-era orbiting military satellite thereby creating and scattering a wide spread swarm of low-Earth orbiting debris that also coincided with the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS)

NASA ESA Crew-3 Astronauts Dock at Space Station with SpaceX Crew Dragon Endurance

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –  One day after a cloud obscured but nevertheless stunning nighttime blastoff from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) the four multinational German and American astronauts on the NASA, ESA Crew-3 mission safely and successfully docked to the International Space Station (ISS) Thursday evening, Nov. 11 gliding into port aboard SpaceX’s commercial Crew

Multinational US and German Astronaut Crew Streaks to Orbit on Spectacular NASA ESA SpaceX Night Launch to ISS: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –  After multiple postponements for poor weather and a ‘minor medical issue’ affecting one of the four multinational crew members, the NASA, ESA SpaceX Crew-3 mission streaked to orbit during a spectacular nighttime launch of US and German astronauts beginning a half year science mission to the International Space Station (ISS) Wednesday