Tag: recovered Falcon 9

Leaning Landed SpaceX Crew 1 Historic Falcon 9 Launch Booster Returns to Port Canaveral on Droneship: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL/KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –  Three and a half days after  Sunday’s (Nov. 15) historic and flawless blastoff  with 4 astronauts from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida the SpaceX Crew 1 Falcon 9 first stage booster that propelled them aboard Crew Dragon Resilience to a successful docking with the International Space Station (ISS) Monday

SpaceX Launches New Batch Starlink Satellites Darting Through Clouds, 2nd This Week from Space Coast: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM CAPE CANAVERAL, FL –   After a scrub for technical reasons resulting from the Falcon 9 rocket on Thursday, SpaceX at last launched the vehicle at lunchtime today, Saturday, Oct. 24 carrying another batch of 60 Starlink broadband internet satellite darting through thick clouds on its way to low Earth orbit (LEO) from the Florida Space Coast.

All 4 Landing Legs Retracted on 3x Flown SpaceX Falcon 9 as Team Targets 2nd 6x Flown Booster Launch Oct. 18: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL, FL – Following last Thursday’s (Oct. 8) stellar sunset return of the 3x flown and landed SpaceX Falcon 9 1st stage from the 13th Starlink mission to Port Canaveral and Florida’s Space Coast atop the ‘Of Course I Still Love You’ (OSICLY) droneship the crane crew hoisted the booster off the ship and onto

Scrub Streak Broken! SpaceX Launches Starlink Satellites during Spectacular Space Coast Sunrise: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL –  Scrub Streak Broken! The seemingly endless and unprecedented series of Florida Space Coast launch scrubs by both SpaceX and ULA for more than a month and given names such as ‘Scrubitis’, ‘Scrubtober’, “Scrubtoberfest’ or ‘Scrubtember’ – mostly for technical reasons – has at last ended with a spectacular sunrise blastoff Tuesday

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms Force Delays to SpaceX Starlink Launch with New Target Date TBD: Photos

Heron awaits SpaceX Falcon 9 launch at KSC LC-39 Press Site – then flies away after SpaceX engineers call scrub as final countdown was to begin due to poor booster landing recovery weather in the Atlantic Ocean. Recycled Falcon 9 for 13th Starlink comsat launch stands vertical at Launch Complex-39A on NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for launch scrubbed from Sept.

Afternoon Blastoff Set for 13th SpaceX Starlink Mission on Sept. 17 from KSC on Recycled Falcon 9 and Nose Cone: Watch Live/Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL – The afternoon blastoff of a ‘flight-proven’ Falcon 9 is now targeted to Thursday, Sept. 17 carrying the next batch of Starlink internet satellites to orbit from the Florida Space Coast – also utilizing a recycled nose cone half and marking the 2nd Falcon 9 Starlink launch this month. But only if

Sterling Sunday Sunrise Return for 2x Flown SpaceX Starlink Booster to Port Canaveral: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM PORT CANAVERAL, FL – Looking somewhat sootier it was another sterling sunrise return on Sunday for the 2x flown 1st stage booster into Port Canaveral towed triumphantly atop the ‘Of Course I Still Love You’ (OSICLY) droneship 3 days after SpaceX’s launch of the 12th batch of the firms Starlink constellation of broadband internet satellites on

Beautiful Breakfast Blastoff for 12th SpaceX Starlink Mission Sept. 3, Beta Testing Begins Soon: Photos

For SpaceUpClose.com & RocketSTEM KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL – Space enthusiasts were treated to a beautiful breakfast time blastoff with bountiful water reflections amounting to what looked like two Falcon 9s launching simultaneously in opposite directions from many locations ringing the Florida Space Coast for Thursday’s weather delayed liftoff of a ‘flight-proven’ Falcon on Sept. 3 that was originally supposed